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Lake Como, a place that intellectual aristocrats dream of

Lake Como, about one hour’s drive from Milan, is the most poetic lake in the northern Alpine area and has been a popular retreat for aristocrats, wealthy people and noblemen in Europe since Roman times. Stendhal, a French writer, described the landscape of lakes and mountains here vividly in his novel La Chartreuse de Parme, and advocated that people should visit Lake Como with both love and pathos. Liszt, a composer, also replied, “If you want to write a story about happy lovers, you should set the banks of Lake Como as the story background.”
The rippling and bright lake looks like a necklace inlayed with blue gems under the pure white peak of the Alps in the far distance. The blue sky is reflected in the lake, glowing with purple light. To be able to enjoy the view from one of the famous villas here is fortunate indeed. When you see from the window, what jumps into your eyes is an amazing landscape painting as if the glistening Lake Como and picturesque, snowy Alps are the wallpaper of your room, making you feel perfectly comfortable. The green forest is dotted with well-proportioned brick-red roofs. Plants, pools, marble statues and colonnades are the decorations of the Italian gardens of villas well designed by famous designers. Different from fashionable and noisy Milan, the small town, immersed in the quiet and harmonious atmosphere, still preserves the purity and beauty of the Middle Ages.
While standing on the banks of Lake Como and appreciating the beautiful scenery between the mountains and lakes in the distance, the design team of Royalcover has to admire the magical charm, full of the anticipated natural beauty of the lakes and mountains. All that they desire is to ramble forward, watch the dazzling sunrise, enjoy the splendid room, view the aesthetic sunset and look up at the charming starlit night. Along with the baptism of soul, they are deeply enchanted by the wonderful mind and body experience.
Those who come to Lake Como are almost all intellectual aristocrats who have desired quietness throughout the ages. Everything that touches the soul can turn into the inspiration source of design. Stylists of Royalcover describe their yearning places in bedclothes, presenting a strong Baroque-style in luxurious and stacked patterns like oil paintings and a gorgeous Rococo-style in graceful gouaches. With a magic power, Lake Como turns into a place that famous people yearn for, like Venus in her childhood after the baptism of time and nature, attracting more and more people to enjoy it so much as to forget to leave and becoming a natural miracle that people praise.